
Welcome to the Leadership21 blog, an ongoing conversation on mental health, civil rights and social justice. Posting on the blog are twelve young mental health advocates who comprise the L21 commitee, and anything goes--the personal, the political, the cultural, whatever! We hope that you'll check out what's here, and make some comments, and please know that if you're concerned about anonymity, you can comment anonymously. We hope that what you read, and what you contribute, will make you want to return regularly, because to our knowledge, there really isn't anything out there that has the potential to engage people on so many levels about mental health. But we need "outsiders" like you to make it grow into a robust, contagious online blog. So thanks for coming, welcome to the conversation, and please, pass it on--L21

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Luxury Wellness

So I've been doing travel writing since September, and I was thinking of persuing a story that I have since abandoned about luxury spas that offer education and enlightenment. I've changed topics and now I'm writing about cooking classes at resorts, because so many of the luxury spas and resorts offering education and enlightenment freaked me out. There's a bunch of spa trends that I think are sort of unsavory--first, that rehab is becoming glamourous. All of the bug young celebs go or have gone. Lots of spas I looked into offer detox packages. And some of the fancier rehabs look like resorts and offer resort like activities. Second, that resorts are marketing wellness to people who are unbalanced with "experts" that are often life coaches or gurus. And there is a very pricey set of "medical spas", that's what they're called, where actual doctors are on staff. Having spent much of my youth perilously close to being forced into a mental hospital, I didn't desire a vacation at a resort that errily reminded me of one, which is why I'm writing the cooking story instead. And of course, in terms of the problems that plague the mental health community, this one is a pretty low priority. It's more often the case that mental illness is stigmatized than glamourized. But glamorizing mental illness is just the lesser of evils. These luxury trends have a way of permeating the culture. And I think luxury wellness packages for people whose lives are unbalanced undermines the utterly unglamourous work of recovery, and obscures the illnesses themeselves. Oh, and the picture? That's me at the great wall of china.


RESzabo said...

I completely agree with this view on glorifying rehab and treatment and the danger of constantly publicizing it from a somewhat constant negative celebrity example. I feel like a lot of people today think if they have an issue with anything they can just go to rehab or some exotic escape and the problem will disappear. That idea only adds to our already quick-fix minded society that needs to understand the time and commitment that goes into changing or dealing with any problem. I am really glad Lizzie posted this blog.

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