
Welcome to the Leadership21 blog, an ongoing conversation on mental health, civil rights and social justice. Posting on the blog are twelve young mental health advocates who comprise the L21 commitee, and anything goes--the personal, the political, the cultural, whatever! We hope that you'll check out what's here, and make some comments, and please know that if you're concerned about anonymity, you can comment anonymously. We hope that what you read, and what you contribute, will make you want to return regularly, because to our knowledge, there really isn't anything out there that has the potential to engage people on so many levels about mental health. But we need "outsiders" like you to make it grow into a robust, contagious online blog. So thanks for coming, welcome to the conversation, and please, pass it on--L21

Monday, May 21, 2007

Healthy mind and healthy body

I know I feel good when I exercise. I also know physical exercise is good for our mental health and our brains. I’ve read this has to do with the release of endorphins; and levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine related to exercise. Mostly I just know I feel good when I exercise. However, I don’t exercise when I don’t feel good. Right now it is spring and I have been successful at making exercise a priority in my life. But I wonder- can I sustain this cycle of physical fitness positively impacting my mental health which in turns reinforces my motivation to exercise?  I think the answer is my establishing exercise as a coping mechanism especially when I have times I feel anxious or am not feeling well and not wanting to exercise. Unfortunately, this coping option will have to battle the strong urges to sleep, watch bad TV, or just veg when I am not feeling mentally up to par.  



Wendy said...

posted by Wendy!

Liz said...

Exercise is the most important way I deal with my own mental health issues and angst. I have found that boxing and kickboxing are the best form of therapy for me. There is nothing better than to spend an hour beating a bag thinking of all the things you wish you'd said to someone, what you would change if you could, or just venting random frustrations. I look forward to the days when I can slug and sweat it out. Maybe I'll be the next Laila Ali.

Lizzie Simon said...

We should totally post some footage of Liz kickboxing on our blog! And Alison doing the trapeze!

Alison Malmon said...

My thought exactly Lizzie! But really, in reading the posts I couldn't help but agree. For me, it's not really the act of 'exercising' that makes me feel good, it's that I'm doing something I love and I just naturally love moving. I'm not a 'runner' per se; but just moving my body in ways I normally don't sitting in front of a computer. The flying trapeze has become my addiction, and my way to vent, because it's just you and the world - and the net underneath, of course. There's something about having to focus on everything your body is doing to make sure it stays safe; surprise surprise, other things just don't seem to matter much in that moment.
I highly recommend trapeze to anyone looking for something to just be amazed by! www.trapezeschool.com