
Welcome to the Leadership21 blog, an ongoing conversation on mental health, civil rights and social justice. Posting on the blog are twelve young mental health advocates who comprise the L21 commitee, and anything goes--the personal, the political, the cultural, whatever! We hope that you'll check out what's here, and make some comments, and please know that if you're concerned about anonymity, you can comment anonymously. We hope that what you read, and what you contribute, will make you want to return regularly, because to our knowledge, there really isn't anything out there that has the potential to engage people on so many levels about mental health. But we need "outsiders" like you to make it grow into a robust, contagious online blog. So thanks for coming, welcome to the conversation, and please, pass it on--L21

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Baz Alert

Calls on Children's Health Insurance Urgently Needed

House Vote on SCHIP Is Imminent

September 15, 2007--Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the House-Senate compromise that would extend and expand health care coverage to low-income children through the State's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The bill (H.R. 976, Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act) would provide $35 billion over five years. The Senate will vote on the compromise bill later this week.

Bill Adds Parity for Children's Coverage
This critical bill would for the first time establish parity for mental health benefits in SCHIP plans. It would also provide a six-month moratorium on the Administration's effort to restrict Medicaid rehabilitative services and school-based services, as outlined in the President's fiscal year 2008 budget proposal and proposed regulations released by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. These two provisions are important victories.

With President Bush threatening to veto SCHIP legislation, it is imperative to garner a veto-proof vote in both the House and Senate. Your call is needed now!

Please Call Today!
Urge your Representative to vote for the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill. A simple message to help extend health insurance to 4 million more uninsured children! Use the toll-free number 1-800-828-0498 to connect to the Capitol switchboard and ask for your Representative's office. To find out who your Representative is, access www.congress.org or www.house.gov and enter your zip code.

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