
Welcome to the Leadership21 blog, an ongoing conversation on mental health, civil rights and social justice. Posting on the blog are twelve young mental health advocates who comprise the L21 commitee, and anything goes--the personal, the political, the cultural, whatever! We hope that you'll check out what's here, and make some comments, and please know that if you're concerned about anonymity, you can comment anonymously. We hope that what you read, and what you contribute, will make you want to return regularly, because to our knowledge, there really isn't anything out there that has the potential to engage people on so many levels about mental health. But we need "outsiders" like you to make it grow into a robust, contagious online blog. So thanks for coming, welcome to the conversation, and please, pass it on--L21

Monday, January 8, 2007

Mental Health Parity at Last?

It's such a basic question of fairness -- the ability of insurers to offer different levels of coverage of mental health services than they do for physical health services (never mind how closely related the two are). Well, it looks like this question may finally be resolved this Congress. As they say, though, the devil is in the details. It will be interesting to see just how far the business community is willing to go to help address unmet needs that are costing the U.S. economy billions each year.

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